Client Brief
"Imagine you are the Dean of a school of Architecture, Computational Design, or Engineering. Your school has 100 students who are drawn from all around the world and are supported by scholarships. Your challenge is to design a school that forms a bridge spanning buildings in an urban environment. The urban environment is the lower part of the "UNSW Sydney" Kensington campus; the central building is the Squarehouse (building E4 on this map). In addition, you will design two moving elements that modify the students view of the school when they see it from locations on the ground plane vs locations above ground level. These different points of view will reinforce or challenge your particular "Theory"".
Task for Today
Upon visiting the Squarehouse building to do site analysis, we were introduced to Experiment 3 by drawing a series of 6 one point perspectives exploring adjustments to the proportions of a six legged geometry that we were presented on paper.
Fig. 1. Six Legged Geometry
Fig. 2. One point perspectives
The proportions of the legs had to be different for each of the 6 drawings so that we would achieve an iterative process of experimentation. Then we bundled the drawings with 2 series of 6 drawings that supplement the original drawings. The result were 3 series of six drawings showing an above projection, eye level, and a projection below eye level.
Fig. 3. The 18 Sketch Perspectives |
Independent Study
I had to find a news article referring to Architecture, Computational Design or Engineering. From the articles we read in class I selected 3-5 key words and used these in a new sentence to create a distinctive and significant theory. Being able to reference the sources of the news articles was also emphasis in the task.
Fig. 4. Design Theory |
Fig. 5. One of the sketches I did based on many visualizations, which
suggests form finding and appreciation for relevancy in the context of natural environment.
Task for Today
During consultation with our tutor, we had to select two sets of perspectives from the previous week and redraw them using the two point method.
Our results would allow us to develop 3d modeled versions which would be carried through into the Lumion environment whilst adding massing elements to suggest the vernacular attributes of the draft models.
Independent Study
I uploaded two images that show the moving elements in different positions relative to the base architectural form. As instructed in class, I thought carefully about how my view changes as the elements change position.
Fig. 9. Sketchup Model Moving Element view 1 |
Fig. 10. Sketchup Model Moving Element view 2 |
Task for Today
In groups of three, the class had to review a tutor-designated PDF showing a series of architectural plans and select one each to use as precedent for our school. Each of our selections had to be driven by our developing architectural, computational, or engineering theory; they should justify this to their team mates.
Independent Study
A 3 dimensional model of the school was created in Sketchup following the plan and section design in the "Task for Today" section for this week. The resulting first draft of my bridge/school from Lumion and the relevant plans and sections can be seen below.
Fig. 11. Sketchup Draft Model Render 1 |
Fig. 12. Sketchup Draft Model Render 2 |
Fig. 13. Ground Floor Plan Section |
Fig. 14. First Floor Plan Section |
Task for Today
Movement can be understood as linear, rotational and scalar translation. Keeping this in mind, we had to draw a series of 6 textures (within a 6 x 6 square in our notebook, or an appropriate size on our iPhone or similar) exploring each of those definitions of movement. We were directed to resources on Pinterest to help inspire our approach.
We were then asked to add three more words of our own choosing to help understand movement and create another series of 6 textures for each of those.
WORDS: Linear, Rotational, Scalar, Transfuse, Vibrate, Evaporate
Fig. 15. 36 Custom Textures |
Independent Study
I chose three textures from the textures that done in class which were then applied to 3 places within my scheme to explore movement. Their applications should somehow aid in the navigation of the public through the environment.
Fig. 16. Custom Texture 1 |
Fig. 17. Custom Texture 2 |
Fig. 18. Custom Texture 3 |
Task for Today
This was our final studio for not only the project but for the semester. During this session our tutor did a review of our full drafts and the outcomes required for EXP3. The outputs are as follows:
- Theory
- The 18 Sketch Perspectives
- 36 Custom Textures
- The Moving Elements
- The Architecture
While each of the outputs may not have been finished, they did have to present a clear indication of the strengths and opportunities of the scheme.
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